Freedom Seder: American Judaism and Social Justice
Freedom Seder: American Judaism and Social Justice explores a landmark event in American religious life: the 1969 creative, interfaith interpretation of the traditional Passover ritual. This re- imagined performance of an ancient celebration used as its guiding text Arthur Waskow’s civil rights Haggadah, a rewritten version of the book traditionally associated with this ritual. The event took place in a turbulent historical context—on the anniversary of the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. —and served as an important precursor to what has become a common American Jewish practice, rewriting the Passover text to emphasize the connections between Judaism and social justice.
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2015 Embodied Judaism Exhibit curated by Moshe Kornfield, Scott Meyer, Elias Sacks, and Stephanie Yuhas. Exhibit design by Andrew Violet in 2015. Digital exhibit coordination by Jane Thaler in 2017.